Second Childhood

TitleSecond Childhood
Year for Search2010
AuthorsMcMahon, Donna(b. 1959)
Date Published2010
PublisherDrowned City Press
Place PublishedGibsons Landing, BC, Canada
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

Sequel to 2001 McMahon; see the note there. This volume continues the same themes as the first and focuses on the psychological recovery, under threat from the Vancouver tongs, of a central character from the first volume.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author (b. 1959).

Full Text

2010 McMahon, Donna (b. 1959). Second Childhood. Gibsons Landing, BC, Canada: Drowned City Press. MH

Sequel to 2001 McMahon. This volume continues the same themes as the first and focuses on the psychological recovery, under threat from the Vancouver tongs, of a central character from the first volume.  Canadian female author.