"A Second Eden"

Title"A Second Eden"
Year for Search1979
AuthorsWatkins, Jeff
Secondary TitleIn Touch For Men (Los Angeles, CA)
Volume / Editionno. 39
Pagination31-32, 37-38
Date PublishedJanuary-February 1979
KeywordsMale author

Male homosexual eutopia where an exploring party had crashed on a planet and developed the ability to create children. The last survivors of the crash had been two homosexual men, but the society they create is completely accepting of all sexual orientations.

Full Text

1979 Watkins, Jeff. “A Second Eden.” In Touch For Men (Los Angeles, CA), no. 39 (January-February 1979): 31-32, 37-38.

Male homosexual eutopia where an exploring party had crashed on a planet and developed the ability to create children. The last survivors of the crash had been two homosexual men, but the society they create is completely accepting of all sexual orientations.