"The Second Trip"

Title"The Second Trip"
Year for Search1971
AuthorsSilverberg, Robert(b. 1935)
Secondary TitleAmazing Stories
Volume / Edition45.2 - 3
Pagination6-65, 122-27; 20-77, 106-08
Date PublishedJuly - September 1971
ISSN Number0002-6891
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopian background where criminals have their personality wiped out and a new personality implanted.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Garden City, NY: Nelson Doubleday, 1971

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1935)

Full Text

1971 Silverberg, Robert (b. 1935). "The Second Trip."  Amazing Stories 45.2 - 3 (July - September 1971): 6-65, 122-27; 20-77, 106-08. Rpt. Garden City, NY: Nelson Doubleday, 1971. MoU-St

Dystopian background where criminals have their personality wiped out and a new personality implanted.