In the Second Year

TitleIn the Second Year
Year for Search1936
AuthorsJameson, [Margaret Ethel] Storm(1891-1986)
Tertiary AuthorsJameson, Storm
Date Published1936
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

Authoritarian dystopia set after World War I. The inability of governments to deal with post-war economic problems combined with communist agitation leads to the rise of a strong man. Labour and Training Camps are established, the former for the unemployed, the latter to punish dissidents. The novel traces three months under the regime as seen by an outsider.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Ed. Stan Smith. Nottingham, Eng.: Trent Editions, 2004 with "Notes on the Text" (216-26).

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author's (1891-1986) name is sometimes given as Margaret Storm Jameson Chapman, also known as Mrs. Guy Chapman-Tuck

Full Text

1936 Jameson, [Margaret Ethel] Storm (1891-1986). In the Second Year. London: Cassell. Rpt. Ed. Stan Smith. Nottingham, Eng.: Trent Editions, 2004 with “Notes on the Text” (216-26). L, LLL

Authoritarian dystopia set after World War I. The inability of governments to deal with post-war economic problems combined with communist agitation leads to the rise of a strong man. Labour and Training Camps are established, the former for the unemployed, the latter to punish dissidents. The novel traces three months under the regime as seen by an outsider. The female author’s name is sometimes given as Margaret Storm Jameson Chapman, also known as Mrs. Guy Chapman-Tuck.