Selling LipService

TitleSelling LipService
Year for Search2017
AuthorsBaikie, Tammy
Pagination175 pp.
Date Published2017
PublisherJacana Media
Place PublishedAuckland Park, South Africa
ISBN Number978-14314-2479-5
KeywordsFemale author, South African author

Dystopia in which after a certain age everyone has to wear a corporate LipService patch that controls what is said, replacing individual speech with ads. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

South African female author

Full Text

2017 Baikie, Tammy. Selling LipService. Auckland Park, South Africa: Jacana Media. PSt

Dystopia in which after a certain age everyone has to wear a corporate LipService patch that controls what is said, replacing individual speech with ads. South African female author.