Seventh Seal: A Novel of the Last Days

TitleSeventh Seal: A Novel of the Last Days
Year for Search2003
AuthorsDraper, Jessica, and Draper, Richard
Date Published2003
PublisherCovenant Communications
Place PublishedAmerican Fork, UT
KeywordsFemale author, Male author, US author

Dystopia of the end of the world in Revelations from a Mormon perspective. First volume of a trilogy. This volume introduces the subject. In the second volume, Rising Storm: The Seventh Seal Epic Continues. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2004, natural and human disasters escalate. The final volume, Final Hour: The Dramatic Conclusion to the Seventh Seal Epic. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2004, volume takes the story to Armageddon (See Revelation 16) and the Second Coming of Christ.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female co-author.

Full Text

2003 Draper, Jessica and Richard Draper. Seventh Seal: A Novel of the Last Days. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications. DLC

Dystopia of the end of the world in Revelations from a Mormon perspective. First volume of a trilogy. This volume introduces the subject. In the second volume, Rising Storm: The Seventh Seal Epic Continues. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2004, natural and human disasters escalate. The final volume, Final Hour: The Dramatic Conclusion to the Seventh Seal Epic. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2004, volume takes the story to Armageddon (See Revelation 16) and the Second Coming of Christ. Female co-author.