Social Justice Leadership Correspondence Course

TitleSocial Justice Leadership Correspondence Course
Year for Search1943
AuthorsCrusade for Social Justice,
Date Published[1943?]
PublisherCrusade for Social Justice
Place PublishedAuckland, New Zealand
KeywordsAotearoa New Zealand author

Twenty short bulletins describing a better future society and both encouraging people to become leaders and teaching techniques of leadership.

Info Notes

 See also 1941 Sutherland and 1942 The People’s Plan.

Title Note

Bulletin, Nos. 1-20.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Aotearoa/New Zealand authors

Full Text

1943?] Crusade for Social Justice. Social Justice Leadership Correspondence Course. Auckland, New Zealand: Crusade for Social Justice. Bulletin, Nos. 1-20. HU

Twenty short bulletins describing a better future society and both encouraging people to become leaders and teaching techniques of leadership. See also 1941 Sutherland and 1942 The People’s Plan. Aotearoa/New Zealand authors.