"Social Security"

Title"Social Security"
Year for Search2007
AuthorsRentz, Pamela
Secondary TitleThe Wordstock Ten: Finalists from the 2007 Wordstock Short Fiction Competition
Date Published2007
PublisherDistrib. Franklin, Beedle & Associates
Place PublishedWilsonville, OR
ISBN Number 9781590282045, 978-1540396129
KeywordsFemale author, Native American author

The story is set in a future in which climate change and economic problems have resulted in the government abandoning an Indian settlement. 

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in her Red Tape: Stories from Indian Country (Np: CreateSpace, 2017), 43-59.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The Native American female author is a member of the Karuk Tribe

Full Text

2007 Rentz, Pamela. “Social Security.” The Wordstock Ten: Finalists from the 2007 Wordstock Short Fiction Competition (Wilsonville, OR: Distrib. Franklin, Beedle & Associates, 2007), 24-34. Rpt. in her Red Tape: Stories from Indian Country (Np: CreateSpace, 2017), 43-59. A note says that this is a revised edition of a collection published in 2012, but no copy of that edition can be found. PSt

The story is set in a future in which climate change and economic problems have resulted in the government abandoning an Indian settlement. The Native American female author is a member of the Karuk Tribe.