Solar Lottery

TitleSolar Lottery
Year for Search1955
AuthorsDick, Philip K[indred](1928-82)
Date Published1955
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia set in 2203 A.D. with power distributed and changed randomly. Corruption has developed and power is actually going to the few. Domination by industrial combines. The people are poor. Violence and fascination with death and cruelty. Rebellion.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1976. U.K. ed. London: Gollancz, 2003. The U.K. ed. World of Chance. London: Rich and Cowan, 1956 is substantially different and some experts say the changes were unauthorized while others say that Dick provided the publisher with what they asked as he had with the Ace Books edition. 

Title Note

UK ed. with unauthorized changes as World of Chance.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1955 Dick, Philip K[indred] (1928-82). Solar Lottery. New York: Ace Books. Rpt. Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1976. U.K. ed. London: Gollancz, 2003. The U.K. ed. World of Chance. London: Rich and Cowan, 1956 is substantially different and some experts say the changes were unauthorized while others say that Dick provided the publisher with what they asked as he had with the Ace Books edition. L

Dystopia set in 2203 A.D. with power distributed and changed randomly. Corruption has developed and power is actually going to the few. Domination by industrial combines. The people are poor. Violence and fascination with death and cruelty. Rebellion.