"The Sonic Boom of 1994"
Title | "The Sonic Boom of 1994" |
Year for Search | 1984 |
Authors | Garretsen, Melvin D. |
Secondary Authors | Pittle, Ivey B., and Rosen, Roslyn |
Secondary Title | Another Handful of Stories: Thirty-Seven Stories by Deaf Storytellers Transliterated from the Deaf Storytellers Video Tape Series |
Pagination | 51-54 |
Date Published | 1984 |
Publisher | Division of Public Services, Gallaudet College |
Place Published | Washington, DC |
ISBN Number | 9780913580868 |
Keywords | Deaf author, Male author, US author |
Annotation | A brief story in which the United States develops a supersonic passenger plane that can fly between the US and Europe in an hour that produces a sonic boom that deafens the entire country and advantaging those who known sign language. |
Holding Institutions | OSt |
Author Note | Deaf author. |
Full Text | 1984 Garretsen, Melvin D. “The Sonic Boom of 1994.” In Another Handful of Stories: Thirty-Seven Stories by Deaf Storytellers Transliterated from the Deaf Storytellers Video Tape Series. Ed. Ivey B. Pittle and Roslyn Rosen (Washington, DC: Division of Public Services, Gallaudet College, 1984), 51-54. OSt A brief story in which the United States develops a supersonic passenger plane that can fly between the US and Europe in an hour that produces a sonic boom that deafens the entire country and advantaging those who known sign language. Deaf author. |