"The Sonic Boom of 1994"

Title"The Sonic Boom of 1994"
Year for Search1984
AuthorsGarretsen, Melvin D.
Secondary AuthorsPittle, Ivey B., and Rosen, Roslyn
Secondary TitleAnother Handful of Stories: Thirty-Seven Stories by Deaf Storytellers Transliterated from the Deaf Storytellers Video Tape Series
Date Published1984
PublisherDivision of Public Services, Gallaudet College
Place PublishedWashington, DC
ISBN Number9780913580868
KeywordsDeaf author, Male author, US author

A brief story in which the United States develops a supersonic passenger plane that can fly between the US and Europe in an hour that produces a sonic boom that deafens the entire country and advantaging those who known sign language.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Deaf author.

Full Text

1984 Garretsen, Melvin D. “The Sonic Boom of 1994.” In Another Handful of Stories: Thirty-Seven Stories by Deaf Storytellers Transliterated from the Deaf Storytellers Video Tape Series. Ed. Ivey B. Pittle and Roslyn Rosen (Washington, DC: Division of Public Services, Gallaudet College, 1984), 51-54. OSt

A brief story in which the United States develops a supersonic passenger plane that can fly between the US and Europe in an hour that produces a sonic boom that deafens the entire country and advantaging those who known sign language. Deaf author.