Stand Fast Beloved City

TitleStand Fast Beloved City
Year for Search1954
AuthorsAlmedingen, [Martha Edith von](1898-1971)
Tertiary AuthorsAlmedingen, E. M. [pseud.]
Date Published1954
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author, Russian author

Authoritarian dystopia set in a small, isolated city. A small group of people, fourteen men and fourteen women, who are known as the Centre, control everything.


E.M. Almedingen [pseud.]

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author (1898-1971) was born in Russia and moved to England in 1923

Full Text

1954 Almedingen, [Martha Edith von] (1898-1971). Stand Fast Beloved City. By E.M. Almedingen [pseud.]. London: Hutchinson. L, NZ

Authoritarian dystopia set in a small, isolated city. A small group of people, fourteen men and fourteen women, who are known as the Centre, control everything. The female author was born in Russia and moved to England in 1923.