"The Stanley Cup Caper"

Title"The Stanley Cup Caper"
Year for Search2003
AuthorsSawyer, Robert J[ames](b. 1960)
Secondary TitleThe Toronto Star
Date PublishedAugust 24, 2003
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

Dystopia. A future Toronto that exists in a divided Canada. High technology with heavy pollution. All North American cities are surrounded by huge security fences.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his Identity Theft and Other Stories (Calgary, AL, Canada: Red Deer Press, 2008), 127-30.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian author (b. 1960).

Full Text

2003 Sawyer, Robert J[ames] (b. 1960). “The Stanley Cup Caper.” The Toronto Star (August 24, 2003), B1. Rpt. in his Identity Theft and Other Stories (Calgary, AL, Canada: Red Deer Press, 2008), 127-30. PSt

Dystopia. A future Toronto that exists in a divided Canada. High technology with heavy pollution. All North American cities are surrounded by huge security fences. Canadian author.