"Star Ship"

Title"Star Ship"
Year for Search1955
AuthorsTubb, E[dwin] C[harles](1919-2010)
Tertiary AuthorsTubb, E.C.
Secondary TitleNew Worlds Science Fiction (London)
Volume / Edition12.34 - 36
Pagination4-44; 84-125; 86-128
Date PublishedApril - June 1955
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Dystopia of a multi-generation spaceship. All must die by age forty. Dueling is used to eliminate the unfit, for room, and so forth.

Additional Publishers

Repub. as The Space-Born. New York: Ace, 1956. Ace Double bound with Philip K[indred] Dick's The Man Who Japed (1956).

Title Note

Repub. as The Space-Born.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1955 Tubb, E[dwin] C[harles] (1919-2010). “Star Ship.” New Worlds Science Fiction (London) 12.34 - 36 (April - June 1955): 4-44; 84-125; 86-128. Repub. as The Space-Born. New York: Ace, 1956. Ace Double bound with 1956 Dick, The Man Who Japed. Merril, PSt

Dystopia of a multi-generation spaceship. All must die by age forty. Dueling is used to eliminate the unfit, for room, and so forth.