Staring at the Sun

TitleStaring at the Sun
Year for Search1986
AuthorsBarnes, Julian [Patrick](b. 1946)
Pagination195 pp.
Date Published1986
PublisherJonathan Cape
Place PublishedLondon
ISBN Number0224024140 0-394-55821-9
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

The novel traces the life of a woman from her childhood to old age (99), much of it in her own voice. The last section (139-97) is set in a future that has seen a revolt of old people demanding respect after a spate of Old People’s Suicides taking place outside the official voluntary euthanasia system. This is a very small part of the novel, with most of the third section reflections on death and religion through the eyes of her son, who is in conversation with the General Purpose Computer, then the supposedly more advanced, The Absolute Truth computer.

Additional Publishers

U.S. ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987. 197 pp. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1946)

Full Text

1986 Barnes, Julian [Patrick] (b. 1946). Staring at the Sun. London: Jonathan Cape. 195 pp. U.S. ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987. 197 pp. PSt, PU

The novel traces the life of a woman from her childhood to old age (99), much of it in her own voice. The last section (139-97) is set in a future that has seen a revolt of old people demanding respect after a spate of Old People’s Suicides taking place outside the official voluntary euthanasia system. This is a very small part of the novel, with most of the third section reflections on death and religion through the eyes of her son, who is in conversation with the General Purpose Computer, then the supposedly more advanced, The Absolute Truth computer.