Stepfather Bank

TitleStepfather Bank
Year for Search1987
AuthorsPoyer, D[avid] C[harles](b. 1949)
Tertiary AuthorsPoyer, D. C.
Pagination277 pp.
Date Published1987
PublisherSt. Martin's Press
Place PublishedNew York
ISBN Number0-312-00687-X
KeywordsMale author, US author

Authoritarian dystopia set in 2110 under the control of a single monopolistic, fully automated bank that owns the entire world and employs everyone except one man who defies and undermines the system.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1949)

Full Text

1987 Poyer, D[avid] C[harles] (b. 1949). Stepfather Bank. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 277 pp. PSt

Authoritarian dystopia set in 2110 under the control of a single monopolistic, fully automated bank that owns the entire world and employs everyone except one man who defies and undermines the system.