Still Forms on Foxfield

TitleStill Forms on Foxfield
Year for Search1980
AuthorsSlonczewski, Joan [Lyn](b. 1956)
Date Published1980
PublisherBallantine Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Eutopia based on Quaker (Society of Friends) beliefs. The novel is concerned with how the society deals with potential conflict with more technologically advanced later settlers.

Author Note

The female author (b. 1956) is a Professor of Biology at Kenyon College

Full Text

1980 Slonczewski, Joan [Lyn] (b. 1956). Still Forms on Foxfield. New York: Ballantine Books.

Eutopia based on Quaker (Society of Friends) beliefs. The novel is concerned with how the society deals with potential conflict with more technologically advanced later settlers. The female author is a Professor of Biology at Kenyon College.