The Story of a Great Experiment. How England Produced the First Superman

TitleThe Story of a Great Experiment. How England Produced the First Superman
Year for Search1927
AuthorsMargrie, W[illiam](1877-1960)
Tertiary AuthorsMargrie, W.
Date Published1927
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Eugenics--select the best for work then bring the best women around with concerts and other entertainment and let nature take its course--"A living wage all round is the best form of practical eugenics" (116). Women's role is to be mothers of a healthy race, and they are not allowed to vote.

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1927 Margrie, W[illiam]. The Story of a Great Experiment. How England Produced the First Superman. London: Watts. L, PSt

Eugenics--select the best for work then bring the best women around with concerts and other entertainment and let nature take its course--”A living wage all round is the best form of practical eugenics” (116). Women’s role is to be mothers of a healthy race, and they are not allowed to vote.