Strange Evil

TitleStrange Evil
Year for Search1957
AuthorsGaskell, Jane(b. 1941)
Date Published1957
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

A eutopia that leads a fairly simple life and represents good is under attack by evil forces.

Additional Publishers

U.S. ed. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1958.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (b. 1941) was born Jane Gaskell Denvil and was also known during her marriage as Jane Gaskell Lynch, but all of her books were published as by Jane Gaskell. She was fourteen when she wrote the novel.

Full Text

1957 Gaskell, Jane (b. 1941). Strange Evil. London: Hutchinson. U.S. ed. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1958. NIC, PSt

A eutopia that leads a fairly simple life and represents good is under attack by evil forces. The author was born Jane Gaskell Denvil and was also known during her marriage as Jane Gaskell Lynch, but all of her books were published as by Jane Gaskell. She was fourteen when she wrote the novel.