"The Suicide of Man"
Title | "The Suicide of Man" |
Year for Search | 1978 |
Authors | Brunner, John [Kilian Houston](1934-95) |
Secondary Title | Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine |
Volume / Edition | 2.4 |
Pagination | 160-85 |
Date Published | July 1978 |
ISSN Number | 1065-6298 |
Keywords | English author, Male author |
Annotation | Future eutopia proves only a staging ground to an apparently higher existence. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in The Best of John Brunner (New York: Ballantine Books, 1984), 239-66. |
Holding Institutions | MoU-St |
Author Note | (1934-95) |
Full Text | 1978 Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] (1934-95). “The Suicide of Man.” Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 2.4 (July 1978): 160-85. Rpt. in The Best of John Brunner (New York: Ballantine Books, 1984), 239-66. MoU-St Future eutopia proves only a staging ground to an apparently higher existence. |