The Tables Turned; or Nupkins Awakened. A Socialist Interlude

TitleThe Tables Turned; or Nupkins Awakened. A Socialist Interlude
Year for Search1887
AuthorsMorris, William(1834-1896)
Date Published1887
PublisherOffice of "The Commonweal"
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Play describing revolution and (briefly) the resulting eutopia which is presented at greater length in 1890 Morris. See also 1884, 1886-87, 1889, and 1890 Morris.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in May Morris, William Morris Artist Writer Socialist. Volume the Second Morris as a Socialist With an Account of William Morris As I Knew Him By Bernard Shaw (Oxford, Eng.: Basil Blackwell, 1936), 528-67. Rpt. (New York: Russell & Russell, 1966), 528-67; and ed. Pamela Bracken Wiens. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1994. 

Info Notes

Play first performed at the Hall of the Socialist League October 15, 1887. There was a performance by the New Factory of the Eccentric Actor directed by Garry Merry at the Coach House, Kelmscott House May 2, 2010 that was recorded on a CD available from the William Morris Society.

For details on Morris’s publications and studies on all aspects of Morris’s career, see David Latham and Sheila Latham, An Annotated Critical Bibliography of William Morris. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf/New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991 and studies on all aspects of Morris’s career; and Eugene D. LeMire, A Bibliography of William Morris. London: British Library/New Castle, DL: Oak Knoll Press, 2006.

Holding Institutions

ExU, L

Author Note


Full Text

1887 Morris, William (1834-96). The Tables Turned; or Nupkins Awakened. A Socialist Interlude. London: Office of “The Commonweal.” Rpt. in May Morris, William Morris Artist Writer Socialist. Volume the Second Morris as a Socialist With an Account of William Morris As I Knew Him By Bernard Shaw (Oxford, Eng.: Basil Blackwell, 1936), 528-67. Rpt. (New York: Russell & Russell, 1966), 528-67; and ed. Pamela Bracken Wiens. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1994. Play first performed at the Hall of the Socialist League October 15, 1887. There was a performance by the New Factory of the Eccentric Actor directed by Garry Merry at the Coach House, Kelmscott House May 2, 2010 that was recorded on a CD available from the William Morris Society. ExU, L

Play describing revolution and (briefly) the resulting eutopia which is presented at greater length in 1890 Morris. See also 1884, 1886-87, 1889. and 1890 Morris. For details on Morris’s publications and studies on all aspects of Morris’s career, see David Latham and Sheila Latham, An Annotated Critical Bibliography of William Morris. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf/New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991 and studies on all aspects of Morris’s career; and Eugene D. LeMire, A Bibliography of William Morris. London: British Library/New Castle, DL: Oak Knoll Press, 2006.