Taciturna and Jocunda; or, Genius Alaciel's Journey through those Two Islands. A Satirical Work

TitleTaciturna and Jocunda; or, Genius Alaciel's Journey through those Two Islands. A Satirical Work
Year for Search1760
Date Published1760
PublisherPtd. for R. Withy & J. Cork
Place PublishedLondon

Satire on relations between Ireland and Britain. Concludes with twenty laws designed to improve both countries with satirical comments on the laws (199-206).

Info Notes

Written in English.

Full Text

1760 Taciturna and Jocunda; or, Genius Alaciel’s Journey through those Two Islands. A Satirical Work. Trans. from French [written in English]. London: Ptd. for R. Withy & J. Cork.

Satire on relations between Ireland and Britain. Concludes with twenty laws designed to improve both countries with satirical comments on the laws (199-206).