Then We Shall Hear Singing; A Fantasy in C Major

TitleThen We Shall Hear Singing; A Fantasy in C Major
Year for Search1942
AuthorsJameson, [Margaret Ethel] Storm(1891-1986)
Tertiary AuthorsJameson, Storm
Date Published1942
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

Fascist dystopia set in a country that has experienced many invasions and has a tradition of resistance. The people are not allowed to sing, and the native language is prohibited in schools. The dictator approves a program of medical experiments on the people of the country intended to eliminate resistance by removing part of the brain.

Additional Publishers

U.S. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1942. 

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Author Note

The female author’s (1891-1986) name is sometimes given as Margaret Storm Jameson Chapman, also known as Mrs. Guy Chapman-Tuck

Full Text

1942 Jameson, [Margaret Ethel] Storm (1891-1986). Then We Shall Hear Singing; A Fantasy in C Major. London: Cassell. U.S. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1942. L, PSt

Fascist dystopia set in a country that has experienced many invasions and has a tradition of resistance. The people are not allowed to sing, and the native language is prohibited in schools. The dictator approves a program of medical experiments on the people of the country intended to eliminate resistance by removing part of the brain. The female author’s name is sometimes given as Margaret Storm Jameson Chapman, also known as Mrs. Guy Chapman-Tuck.