The Time Ships

TitleThe Time Ships
Year for Search1995
AuthorsBaxter, Stephen [Michael](b. 1957)
Date Published1995
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Authorized sequel to Wells’s The Time Machine (1895) with the one branch of the Morlocks an advanced eutopian race and the Eloi depend on them for their food and clothing. The Time Traveler saves Weena from being killed, as she was in the original novel, and encourages the Eloi to become independent of the Morlocks. A variety of alternative futures are described. There are many references to works of Wells throughout the text.


Illus. Lee Edwards

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1957)

Full Text

1995 Baxter, Stephen [Michael] (b. 1957). The Time Ships. Illus. Lee Edwards. London: HarperCollins. PSt

Authorized sequel to Wells’s The Time Machine (1895) with the one branch of the Morlocks an advanced eutopian race and the Eloi depend on them for their food and clothing. The Time Traveler saves Weena from being killed, as she was in the original novel, and encourages the Eloi to become independent of the Morlocks. A variety of alternative futures are described. There are many references to works of Wells throughout the text.