The T.N.A. Constitution (first draft 1971)

TitleThe T.N.A. Constitution (first draft 1971)
Year for Search1971
AuthorsTerranian Nationalist Association,
Date Published1971
PublisherThe Association
Place PublishedBurwood, VIC, Australia

Constitution for a democratic world government with restrictions on the powers of the individual states (known as Sectional National Governments). 

Additional Publishers

See also Terranianism: A Plan to Unite Humanity. Humanity and the World in Unity and Peace, One World, One People, Terrania. [Burwood, VIC, Australia: np, 1973]; The Terranian, no. 1 - 73 (May 20, 1969 - December 1975); The Terranian National Constitution (third draft 1972). Burwood, VIC, Australia: The Association, 1972; and Join the Terranians/Terranian National Association. Burwood, VIC, Australia: The Association, [1972]. All at the State Library of Victoria.

Info Notes

Presumably there was a second draft of the constitution. The association was founded September 13, 1967 by Donald L. Barnes.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1971 Terranian Nationalist Association. The T.N.A. Constitution (first draft 1971). Burwood, VIC, Australia: The Association. VSL

Constitution for a democratic world government with restrictions on the powers of the individual states (known as Sectional National Governments). See also Terranianism: A Plan to Unite Humanity. Humanity and the World in Unity and Peace, One World, One People, Terrania. [Burwood, VIC, Australia: np, 1973]; The Terranian, no. 1 - 73 (May 20, 1969 - December 1975); The Terranian National Constitution (third draft 1972). Burwood, VIC, Australia: The Association, 1972; and Join the Terranians/Terranian National Association. Burwood, VIC, Australia: The Association, [1972]. All at the State Library of Victoria. Presumably there was a second draft of the constitution. The association was founded September 13, 1967 by Donald L. Barnes.