Tomorrow's Yesterday

TitleTomorrow's Yesterday
Year for Search1949
AuthorsStanley, A[lfred] M[ortimer](1888-1966)
Tertiary AuthorsStanley, A. M.
Date Published1949
PublisherDorrance & Co
Place PublishedPhiladelphia, PA
KeywordsMale author

Satire on a society that has degenerated physically but advanced mentally. Most work is done by machines. Gender-role reversal because the men are too weak. Eugenics with children raised by the state. Socialism.

Holding Institutions

DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1949 Stanley, A[lfred] M[ortimer] (1888-1966). Tomorrow’s Yesterday. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance & Co. DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Satire on a society that has degenerated physically but advanced mentally. Most work is done by machines. Gender-role reversal because the men are too weak. Eugenics with children raised by the state. Socialism.