"Transformations in Human Reproduction"

Title"Transformations in Human Reproduction"
Year for Search1984
AuthorsFrancoeur, Robert T[homas](1931-2012)
Secondary AuthorsKirkendall, Lester A., and Gravatt, Arthur E.
Secondary TitleMarriage and the Family in the Year 2020
Date Published1984
PublisherPrometheus Books
Place PublishedBuffalo, NY
KeywordsMale author, US author

 Discusses the effects of new reproductive technologies, which includes a new eroticism.

Holding Institutions

MoU-St, TxU

Author Note

The author (1931-2012) was a sexologist.

Full Text

1984 Francoeur, Robert T[homas] (1931-2012). “Transformations in Human Reproduction.” Marriage and the Family in the Year 2020. Ed. Lester A. Kirkendall and Arthur E. Gravatt (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1984), 89-105. MoU-St, PSt, TxU

Discusses the effects of new reproductive technologies, which includes a new eroticism. The author was a sexologist.