A Trip to the Moon. Containing an Account of the Island of Noibla. Its Inhabitants, Religious and Political Customs, &c.

TitleA Trip to the Moon. Containing an Account of the Island of Noibla. Its Inhabitants, Religious and Political Customs, &c.
Year for Search1764
Authors[Gentleman], [Francis](1728-84)
Tertiary AuthorsLunatic, Bart., Sir Humphrey [pseud.]
Volume / Edition2 vols.
Date Published1764-65
PublisherPtd. by A. Ward for S. Crowder, et al.,
Place PublishedYork, Eng.
KeywordsEnglish author, Irish author

Eutopia with simple laws. The head of the family is responsible for the conduct of all family members and must give a weekly account of their activities. Everyone must attend public worship at least once a day. Children are raised by a woman other than the natural mother because mothers are less likely to be willing to correct a child.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Gulliveriana: I. Ed. Jeanne Welcher and George E. Bush, Jr. (Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1970), 97-204; and as A Trip to the Moon. New York: Garland, 1974.


By Sir Humphrey Lunatic, Bart. [pseud.]

Author Note

The author (1728-84) was born in Ireland and moved to England where he became a playwright.

Full Text

1764-65 [Gentleman, Francis] (1728-84). A Trip to the Moon. Containing an Account of the Island of Noibla. Its Inhabitants, Religious and Political Customs, &c. By Sir Humphrey Lunatic, Bart. [pseud.]. 2 vols. Vol. I. York, Eng.: Ptd. by A. Ward for S. Crowder, et al., 1764. Vol. II. London: Ptd. for S. Crowder, et al., 1765. Rpt. in Gulliveriana: I. Ed. Jeanne Welcher and George E. Bush, Jr. (Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1970), 97-204; and as A Trip to the Moon. New York: Garland, 1974.

Eutopia with simple laws. The head of the family is responsible for the conduct of all family members and must give a weekly account of their activities. Everyone must attend public worship at least once a day. Children are raised by a woman other than the natural mother because mothers are less likely to be willing to correct a child. The author was born in Ireland and moved to England where he became a playwright.