Tritcheon Hash

TitleTritcheon Hash
Year for Search2003
AuthorsLange, Sue
Date Published2003
PublisherMetropolis Ink
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

All the women of Earth left and establish a new all-female society on another planet, with female and male babies exchanged annually with the men of Earth. The new society has been very successful, while the men have continued to fight and damage Earth. With the unacknowledged help of the women, the men of Earth begin to recover.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

2003 Lange, Sue. Tritcheon Hash. New York: Metropolis Ink. Merril

Eutopia and dystopia. All the women of Earth left and establish a new all-female society on another planet, with female and male babies exchanged annually with the men of Earth. The new society has been very successful, while the men have continued to fight and damage Earth. With the unacknowledged help of the women, the men of Earth begin to recover. Female author.