The Ulcer Culture

TitleThe Ulcer Culture
Year for Search1969
AuthorsBulmer, [Henry] Kenneth(1921-2005)
Tertiary AuthorsBulmer, Kenneth
Pagination160 pp.
Date Published1969
PublisherMacdonald Science Fiction
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Dystopia that is divided between the Uppers and the workers with the workers controlled through the distribution of Joy Juice (hallucinogenic drugs), but someone has been tampering with the drugs.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. as Stained Glass World. London: New English Library, 1976

Info Notes


Title Note

Rpt. as Stained Glass World

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Full Text

1969 Bulmer, [Henry] Kenneth (1921-2005). The Ulcer Culture. London: Macdonald Science Fiction. 160 pp. Rpt. as Stained Glass World. London: New English Library, 1976. L, PSt

Dystopia that is divided between the Uppers and the workers with the workers controlled through the distribution of Joy Juice (hallucinogenic drugs), but someone has been tampering with the drugs.