"The Ungoverned"

Title"The Ungoverned"
Year for Search1985
AuthorsVinge, Vernor [Steffen](1944-2024)
Secondary AuthorsPournelle, Jerry [Eugene](1933-2017), and Baen, Jim
Secondary TitleFar Frontiers
Volume / Edition 3
Date PublishedFall 1985
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Libertarian eutopia. Mostly about war. Discusses protective associations like those found in 1974 Nozick. Vinge says that his The Peace War (1984) can be thought of as a prequel and his Marooned in Realtime. New York: Bluejay, 1986 as a sequel.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his True Names . . . and Other Dangers (New York: Baen Books, 1987), 200-54; in his Across Realtime (New York: Baen, 1991), 257-300; in The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge (New York: Tor, 2001), 91-127 [This ed. has notes by the author]; in Give Me Liberty. Ed. Martin Harry Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2003), 85-139; and in Freedom! Ed. Martin Harry Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2006), 71-113.

Holding Institutions

Merril, MoU-St

Author Note


Full Text

1985 Vinge, Vernor [Steffen] (1944-2024). “The Ungoverned.” Far Frontiers 3 (Fall 1985). Ed. Jerry[Eugene]  Pournelle (1933-2017) and Jim Baen (New York: Baen, 1985), 11-69. Rpt. in his True Names . . . and Other Dangers (New York: Baen Books, 1987), 200-54; in his Across Realtime (New York: Baen, 1991), 257-300; in The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge (New York: Tor, 2001), 91-127 [This ed. has notes by the author]; in Give Me Liberty. Ed. Martin Harry Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2003), 85-139; and in Freedom! Ed. Martin Harry Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2006), 71-113. Merril, MoU-St

Libertarian eutopia. Mostly about war. Discusses protective associations like those found in 1974 Nozick. Vinge says that his The Peace War (1984) can be thought of as a prequel and his Marooned in Realtime. New York: Bluejay, 1986 as a sequel.