Universal Equality, or, Jonathan Baxter's Peep into the Future

TitleUniversal Equality, or, Jonathan Baxter's Peep into the Future
Year for Search1871
AuthorsFraser, Julia Agnes(1841-1915)
Date Published1871
PublisherJohn Menzies and Co
Place PublishedEdinburgh, Scot.
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

Parody written partially in an Irish brogue in which a man visits the future France, Scotland, Ireland, America, and England in all of which he discovers that his ideal of universal equality produces a negative rather than a positive result.

Author Note

Female author (1841-1915).

Full Text

1871 Fraser, Julia Agnes. Universal Equality, or, Jonathan Baxter’s Peep into the Future. Edinburgh, Scot.: John Menzies and Co.

Parody written partially in an Irish brogue in which a man visits the future France, Scotland, Ireland, America, and England in all of which he discovers that his ideal of universal equality produces a negative rather than a positive result. Female author.