Universalism, The New Spirit, A Reborn World, Earthly Happiness, The Ideal State!!! A Book dealing with a new social system destined to solve the present irksome problems of the world--Peace, disarmament, social improvement, international union and financial recovery

TitleUniversalism, The New Spirit, A Reborn World, Earthly Happiness, The Ideal State!!! A Book dealing with a new social system destined to solve the present irksome problems of the world--Peace, disarmament, social improvement, international union and financial recovery
Year for Search1934
AuthorsLemieux, Pierre(1889-1954)
Date Published1934
PublisherPtd. by Standard Sample Card Co
Place PublishedMontréal, QC, Canada
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

A eutopia of world federalism with an international police force, religious cooperation, a regulated economy with one scale of wages, and one language.

Holding Institutions

Can, DLC

Author Note

Canadian author (1889-1954).

Full Text

1934 Lemieux, Pierre (1889-1954). Universalism, The New Spirit, A Reborn World, Earthly Happiness, The Ideal State!!! A Book dealing with a new social system destined to solve the present irksome problems of the world--Peace, disarmament, social improvement, international union and financial recovery. Montréal, QC, Canada: Ptd. by Standard Sample Card Co. Can, DLC

A eutopia of world federalism with an international police force, religious cooperation, a regulated economy with one scale of wages, and one language.