Title | "Utopia" |
Year for Search | 1975 |
Authors | Waddington, Miriam [Dworkin](1917-2004) |
Secondary Title | Waves (York University, Canada) |
Volume / Edition | 3.3 |
Pagination | 27 |
Date Published | Spring 1975 |
Keywords | Canadian author, Female author |
Annotation | Short poem of a dream of a mountain of roses with thorns. |
Author Note | Canadian female author (1917-2004). |
Full Text | 1975 Waddington, Miriam [Dworkin] (1917-2004). “Utopia.” Waves (York University, Canada) 3.3 (Spring 1975): 27. Short poem of a dream of a mountain of roses with thorns. Canadian female author. |