Utopian Essays. 1. The Flowers of Democracy. 2. For "Sports" Only. 3. The Powers That Be

TitleUtopian Essays. 1. The Flowers of Democracy. 2. For "Sports" Only. 3. The Powers That Be
Year for Search1923
AuthorsVeiby, John
Date Published1923
PublisherJohn Veiby
Place PublishedSouth Bend, IN
KeywordsMale author, US author

Series of essays on aspects of a eutopian society. Anti-press; anti-religious. Proposes establishing social experiments. See also 1917 Veiby and his Jingo. South Bend, IN: John Veiby, 1927 which is an argument for a national religion. 

Holding Institutions

InU, OrU

Full Text

1923 Veiby, John. Utopian Essays. 1. The Flowers of Democracy. 2. For “Sports” Only. 3. The Powers That Be. South Bend, IN: John Veiby. InU, OrU

Series of essays on aspects of a eutopian society. Anti-press; anti-religious. Proposes establishing social experiments. See also 1917 Veiby and his Jingo. South Bend, IN: John Veiby, 1927 which is an argument for a national religion.