"A Voyage to the Moon"

Title"A Voyage to the Moon"
Year for Search1808
AuthorsLunatic, Nicholas F.R.S. [pseud.]
Secondary TitleSatiric Tales: Consisting of A Voyage to the Moon; All the Tailors; or, the Old Cloak; and the Fat Witch of London
Date Published1808
PublisherPtd. for J. Dean for George Hughes and H.D. Symonds
Place PublishedLondon

A satire on contemporary England in which the faults of the people of the Moon are regularly compared to an England where these faults do not exist. For example, the traveler is shocked by prostitution, theft, corruption, venality, the concern with fashion, etc., none of which are said to exist in England. The voyage to the Moon was made in a balloon, to which was attached a boat with oars for steering. The language on the Moon is Welsh. Presents conflicts with Frogland (France), the Glum religion of Bogland (Ireland), the American revolution, and other issues.


Lunatic, Nicholas, F.R.S. [pseud.]

Holding Institutions

CU-Riv, PSt

Full Text

1808 Lunatic, Nicholas, F.R.S. [pseud.]. “A Voyage to the Moon.” In Satiric Tales: Consisting of A Voyage to the Moon; All the Tailors; or, the Old Cloak; and the Fat Witch of London (London: Ptd. for J. Dean for George Hughes and H.D. Symonds, 1808), 25-160. CU-Riv, PSt

A satire on contemporary England in which the faults of the people of the Moon are regularly compared to an England where these faults do not exist. For example, the traveler is shocked by prostitution, theft, corruption, venality, the concern with fashion, etc., none of which are said to exist in England. The voyage to the Moon was made in a balloon, to which was attached a boat with oars for steering. The language on the Moon is Welsh. Presents conflicts with Frogland (France), the Glum religion of Bogland (Ireland), the American revolution, and other issues.