Vulcan's Hammer

TitleVulcan's Hammer
Year for Search1960
AuthorsDick, Philip K[indred](1928-82)
Date Published1960
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Computer dystopia in which the computer, Vulcan 3, had been designed to be completely rational and the problems that arise when it has to deal with human irrationality.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1979 with an "Introduction" (v-xi) by Fax Goodlife; and New York: Vintage Books, 2004. An earlier version was pub. in Future Science Fiction, no. 29 (1956): 4-60.

Info Notes

Ace Double bound with John Brunner, Skynappers.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1960 Dick, Philip K[indred] (1928-82). Vulcan’s Hammer. New York: Ace Books. Ace Double bound with John Brunner (1934-95), Skynappers. The Dick rpt. Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1979 with an “Introduction” (v-xi) by Fax Goodlife; and New York: Vintage Books, 2004. An earlier version was pub. in Future Science Fiction, no. 29 (1956): 4-60. HRC, PSt

Computer dystopia in which the computer, Vulcan 3, had been designed to be completely rational and the problems that arise when it has to deal with human irrationality.