"Waking Waco"

Title"Waking Waco"
Year for Search2006
AuthorsGoodfellow, Cody
Secondary AuthorsMcFadden, Edward J. III, and Sedia, E[katerina](b. 1970)
Secondary TitleJigsaw Nation: Science Fiction Stories of Secession
Date Published2006
Place PublishedRadford, VA
KeywordsMale author, US author

The background to the story is a disintegrated U.S. focusing on Waco, Texas, and the theme park Freedomland, which honors fighters for freedom, like Timothy McVeigh (1968-2001), the Oklahoma City bomber.

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Full Text

2006 Goodfellow, Cody. “Waking Waco.” Jigsaw Nation: Science Fiction Stories of Secession. Ed. Edward J. McFadden III and E[katerina] Sedia (Radford, VA: Spyre, 2006), 40-52. PSt

The background to the story is a disintegrated U.S. focusing on Waco, Texas, and the theme park Freedomland, which honors fighters for freedom, like Timothy McVeigh (1968-2001), the Oklahoma City bomber.