"Well Enough Alone"

Title"Well Enough Alone"
Year for Search2016
AuthorsSchofield, Holly
Secondary TitleShoreline of Infinity
Volume / Editionno. 4
Date PublishedSummer 2016
ISSN Number2059-2590
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

The story is set in a high-tech future in which people wear health “minders” that constantly report to hospitals. An elderly woman who had been involved in developing much of the technology but is losing her memory and ability to function independently reprograms hers to assist her suicide. 


Illus. Andrea Alemanno

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author

Full Text

2016 Schofield, Holly. “Well Enough Alone.” Illus. Andrea Alemanno. Shoreline of Infinity, no. 4 (Summer 2016): 5-15. PSt

The story is set in a high-tech future in which people wear health “minders” that constantly report to hospitals. An elderly woman who had been involved in developing much of the technology but is losing her memory and ability to function independently reprograms hers to assist her suicide. Canadian female author.