"What I Would Do With the World. A Talk broadcast in September, 1931"

Title"What I Would Do With the World. A Talk broadcast in September, 1931"
Year for Search1932
AuthorsWells, H[erbert] G[eorge](1866-1946)
Tertiary AuthorsWells, H. G.
Secondary TitleAfter Democracy: Addresses and Papers on the Present World Situation
Date Published1932
PublisherWatts & Co.
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Non-fiction outlining a better future world in which he poses the question of what would he do if he had the power to bring about change? There would be a world state that would abolish war, an integrated world economy with a single currency and a world-controlled credit system, and a reorganized educational system, including much expanded adult education. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1931 Wells, H[erbert] G[eorge] (1866-1946). “What I Would Do With the World. A Talk broadcast in September, 1931.” In his After Democracy: Addresses and Papers on the Present World Situation (London: Watts & Co., 1932), 189-205. LLL, PSt

Non-fiction outlining a better future world in which he poses the question of what would he do if he had the power to bring about change? There would be a world state that would abolish war, an integrated world economy with a single currency and a world-controlled credit system, and a reorganized educational system, including much expanded adult education.