"The Wishes of Maidens"

Title"The Wishes of Maidens"
Year for Search1980
AuthorsGotschalk, Felix C[harles] [Jr.](1929-2002)
Secondary AuthorsMartin, George R[aymond] R[ichard](b. 1948)
Secondary TitleNew Voices III; The Campbell Award Nominees
Date Published1980
PublisherBerkley Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia with very few fertile men and many women wanting to become pregnant.

Holding Institutions

Merril, MoU-St

Author Note


Full Text

1980 Gotschalk, Felix C. (1929-2002). “The Wishes of Maidens.” New Voices III; The Campbell Award Nominees. Ed. George R.R. Martin (New York: Berkley Books, 1980), 171-206. Merril, MoU-St

Dystopia with very few fertile men and many women wanting to become pregnant.