Woman of the Aeroplanes

TitleWoman of the Aeroplanes
Year for Search1988
AuthorsLaing, [Bernard] Kojo(b. 1946)
Tertiary AuthorsLaing, Kojo
Date Published1988
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsGhanaian author, Male author

Something of a comic novel where time and causality completely askew. Tukwan is the utopia where everybody in the town was a reincarnation of someone from the town, and this would continue until all problems solved.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Ghanaian author (b. 1946)

Full Text

1988 Laing, [Bernard] Kojo (b. 1946). Woman of the Aeroplanes. London: Heinemann. O

Something of a comic novel where time and causality are completely askew. Tukwan is the utopia where everybody in the town was a reincarnation of someone from the town, and this would continue until all problems are solved. Ghanaian author.