The World’s May Day: A Celebration

TitleThe World’s May Day: A Celebration
Year for Search1924
AuthorsBingham, J[ohn] H[enry]
Tertiary AuthorsBingham, J. H.
Pagination16 pp.
Date Published1924
PublisherThe Co-operative Union Ltd.
Place PublishedManchester, Eng.
KeywordsMale author

A play for children in which Earth is visited by and ambassador from Mars who arrives on May Day. The ambassador is twelve years old because Mars always sends children “because they tell the truth to each other” (3). The general theme is bringing unity among individuals and countries by emphasizing how everyone contributes. In the play Great Britain introduces Mars to various fairies of h countryside, the Old Witch Machinery, and various countries, beginning with Ireland and Australia, including European countries and representatives of much larger areas. Mister Nevermore wants nothing to ever change is allied with Old Witch Machinery and Miss Understanding.

Additional Publishers

Manchester, Eng.: Ptd. by the Co-operative Printing Society and published by the Co-operative Union, 1927. 18 pp.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1924 Bingham, J[ohn] H[enry]. The World’s May Day: A Celebration. Manchester, Eng.: The Co-operative Union Ltd. 16 pp. Rpt. Manchester, Eng.: Ptd. by the Co-operative Printing Society and published by the Co-operative Union, 1927. 18 pp. BL, Bod

A play for children in which Earth is visited by and ambassador from Mars who arrives on May Day. The ambassador is twelve years old because Mars always sends children “because they tell the truth to each other” (3). The general theme is bringing unity among individuals and countries by emphasizing how everyone contributes. In the play Great Britain introduces Mars to various fairies of h countryside, the Old Witch Machinery, and various countries, beginning with Ireland and Australia, including European countries and representatives of much larger areas. Mister Nevermore wants nothing to ever change is allied with Old Witch Machinery and Miss Understanding.