Title | Yanked! |
Year for Search | 1999 |
Authors | Kress, Nancy [Anne Koningisor](b. 1948) |
Date Published | 1999 |
Publisher | Avon |
Place Published | New York |
Keywords | Female author, US author |
Annotation | Eutopia as background to an adventure story. In the twenty-first century the Earth begins a long period of decline, but humanity recovers and eliminates all the traditional problems like poverty and disease. Little detail. |
Info Notes | Part of David Brin's Out of Time Series. |
Author Note | Female author (b. 1948). |
Full Text | 1999 Kress, Nancy [Anne Koningisor] (b. 1948). Yanked! Eutopia as background to an adventure story. In the twenty-first century the Earth begins a long period of decline, but humanity recovers and eliminates all the traditional problems like poverty and disease. Little detail. Although not labeled as such, it is designed for the young adult market. Female author. |