Yezad; A Romance of the Unknown

TitleYezad; A Romance of the Unknown
Year for Search1922
AuthorsBabcock, George [Henry](1863-1942)
Date Published1922
PublisherCooperative Pub. Co.
Place PublishedBridgeport, CT
KeywordsMale author, US author

A few pages of a scientific Martian eutopia, which had been settled from a planet highly advanced in science. Martians can renew body parts. No central government: local self-rule through bodies based on education. No printed laws but custom sets standards. Citizenship depends on passing exams.

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1922 Babcock, George [Henry] (1863-1942). Yezad; A Romance of the Unknown. Bridgeport, CT: Cooperative Pub. Co. DLC, MoU, PSt

A few pages of a scientific Martian eutopia, which had been settled from a planet highly advanced in science. Martians can renew body parts. No central government: local self-rule through bodies based on education. No printed laws but custom sets standards. Citizenship depends on passing exams.