"Young Love"

Title"Young Love"
Year for Search1974
AuthorsDavis, Grania [Eve](1943-2017)
Secondary AuthorsKnight, Damon [Francis](1922-2002)
Secondary TitleOrbit 13
Date Published1974
PublisherBerkley Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Overpopulation dystopia. Sexless love in a disintegrating society where most people live in communities with all their activities regulated. From age 12 boys and girls live in separate communities. Chemical food. Large numbers are homeless. Generally unintelligent and uneducated. The Army does work like street cleaning that robots are not able to do.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Dream's Edge: Science Fiction Stories About the Future of Planet Earth. Ed. Terry Carr (San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1980), 206-22.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1943-2017)

Full Text

1974 Davis, Grania [Eve] (1943-2017). “Young Love.” Orbit 13. Ed. Damon [Francis] Knight (New York: Berkley Books, 1974), 31-52. Rpt. in Dream’s Edge: Science Fiction Stories About the Future of Planet Earth. Ed. Terry Carr (San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1980), 206-22. PSt

Overpopulation dystopia. Sexless love in a disintegrating society where most people live in communities with all their activities regulated. From age 12 boys and girls live in separate communities. Chemical food. Large numbers are homeless. Generally unintelligent and uneducated. The Army does work like street cleaning that robots are not able to do. Female author.