Essential Components of Mobile Web Accessibility

TitleEssential Components of Mobile Web Accessibility
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAbou-Zahra, Shadi, Brewer, Judy, and Henry, Shawn Lawton
Conference NameProceedings of the 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility - W4A '13
ISBN Number9781450318440
KeywordsDesign for all, mobile technology, standards and guidelines, ubiquitous and cloud computing, universal design, Web accessibility
AbstractThe Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops strategies, guidelines, and resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities. This includes ensuring that core web technologies such as HTML and CSS provide support for accessibility; developing complementary web specifications to support accessibility, such as WAI-ARIA and IndieUI; and maintaining a set of internationally recognized guidelines that define accessibility criteria for web authoring tools such as content management systems and code editors, for user agents such as web browsers and media players, and for web content including text, images, scripts, audio-visual media, and more. This communication paper explores the impact on these essential components of web accessibility as the Web rapidly evolves into an increasingly mobile and ubiquitous medium, and highlights opportunities for research and development to help make the Web universally accessible to all users.
NotesThis article analyzed web accessibility (WA) under the mobile context and introduced several key components, including web contents, web technologies, authoring/evaluation tools, developers, user agents, assistive technology and users. It should contribute to a deeper understanding of mobile web accessibility and help foster more insights into this sub-category of WA.