Posey, Darrell Addison. (1985) 1985. “Indigenous Management of Tropical Forest Ecosystems: The Case of the Kayapó Indians of the Brazilian Amazon”. Agroforestry Systems 3 (2): 139-58. doi:10.1007/BF00122640.
Darrell Addison Posey
Fixed Name
Darrell Addison Posey
First name
Darrell Addison
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Irvine, Dominique, Darrell Addison Posey, and Balée William L.. (1989) 1989. “Succession Management and Resource Distribution in an Amazonian Rain Forest”. In Resource Management in Amazonia: Indigenous and Folk Strategies, 223-37. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/19623957.