Alcorn, Janis B., and John O. Browder. (1989) 1989. “An Economic Analysis of Huastec Mayan Forest Management”. In Fragile Lands of Latin America: Strategies for Sustainable Development, 182-206. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
John O. Browder
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John O. Browder
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John O.
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Anderson, Anthony B., Mário Augusto G Jardim, and John O. Browder. (1989) 1989. “Costs and Benefits of Floodplain Forest Management by Rural Inhabitants in the Amazon Estuary: A Case Study of Acai Palm Production”. In Fragile Lands of Latin America: Strategies for Sustainable Development, 114-29. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Hecht, Susanna B., and John O. Browder. (1989) 1989. “Indigenous Soil Management in the Amazon Basin: Some Implications for Development”. In Fragile Lands of Latin America: Strategies for Sustainable Development, 166-81. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Hiraoka, Mário, and John O. Browder. (1989) 1989. “Agricultural Systems on the Floodplains of the Peruvian Amazon”. In Fragile Lands of Latin America: Strategies for Sustainable Development, 75-100. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.