A Nutrition Education Model For Training and Updating EFNEP Aides

TitleA Nutrition Education Model For Training and Updating EFNEP Aides
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsLooker, A, Long, P, Hamilton, L, Shannon, B
JournalHome Economics Research Journal
Pagination392 - 400
Date Published1983///

A nutrition education model was developed for training and updating EFNEP aides and home economists without requiring face-to-face contact with the nutrition specialist. The model incorporated six modules that focused on pertinent nutrition topics. Each consisted of a self-instruction guide for the home economists, a teaching package with audiovisual materials for the aides' training session, and lesson plans with handouts for aides' use with their homemakers. Pilot testing of the first two modules (without employing a control group) indicated that the approach was feasible. The design for testing the remaining four modules included an experimental group, made up of EFNEP aides who attended training sessions between pre- and posttesting, and a control group, made up of aides who attended the sessions after posttesting was completed. Experimental aides had significantly greater gains in nutrition knowledge than control aides for three of the four modules. Aides and home economists rated the modules favorably, and aides particularly enjoyed the role-playing activities. The aides felt that the information and skills gained from the sessions would be helpful to them when working with homemakers.
