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Weinreich, Max. 1952. Yidishkayt And Yiddish. In Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee Volume On The Occasion Of His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Moshe David. Vol. 1. Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee Volume On The Occasion Of His Seventieth Birthday. New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America.


Weinryb, Bernard D. 1953. Polish Jews Under Soviet Rule. In The Jews In The Soviet Satellites, edited by Peter Meyer, Weinryb, Bernard D., Duschinsky, Eugene, and Sylvain, Nicolas. The Jews In The Soviet Satellites. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
Schwarz, Leo W. 1953. The Redeemers: A Saga Of The Years 1945-1952. New York: Farrar, Straus and Young.


Kronenberg, Avraham, ed.. 1956. Khurbn Bilgoraj. Tel Aviv: Irgun yots’e Bilgoray.
Zak, Avrom. 1956. Knekht Zenen Mir Geven. Vol. 1&2. Buenos Aires: Tsentral Farband fun Poylishe Yidn in Argentine.


Zak, Avrom. 1958. Oyf Shlyakhn Fun Hefker. Vol. 1&2. Buenos Aires: Tsentral Farband fun Poylishe Yidn in Argentine.


Shmeruk, Chone. 1960. Ha-Pirsumim Be-Yiddish Be-Verit Ha-Mo’atsot (Mi-Sof Shnot Ha-Shloshim ‘Ad 1948). Yad Vashem Studies On The European Jewish Catastrophe And Resistance, Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance, 4.
Broderzon, Sheyne-Miriam. 1960. Mayn Laydns-Veg Mit Moyshe Broderzon [My Path Of Suffering With Moshe Broderson]. Buenos Aires: Tsentral farband fun Poylishe Yidn in Argentine.
Bryan, Julien. 1960. Siege. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Co., Inc.


General Sikorski H. Institute. 1961. Documents On Polish-Soviet Relations, 1933-1945. 1933-1943. Vol. 1. 1933-1943. London: Heinemann.
Porat, Eliyahu, ed.. 1961. Sefer Kotsk. Tel Aviv: Va’ad irgun yots’e Kotsk be-Yisra’el.


Kaplinski, Barukh. 1962. Pinkes Hrubyeshov: Tsum 20-Tn Yortog Nakh Dem Groyzamen Khurbn Fun Unzer Gevezener Heym. Tel Aviv: Irgun yoytse Hrubyeshov in Yisroel un in di Fareynikte Shtatn mit der hilf fun di Hrubyeshover landsmanshaftn in gor der velt.
